• E-11/2, Main Double Road, D-12, Islamabad
  • +92 332 724 0584
  • info.iihrc@gmail.com

Number 1 Hospital

In Islamabad, Pakistan

Personal Cabinet

Qualified Staff

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Call Now : +92 51 230 4941



IIHRC Obstetrics/Gynecology department is a tertiary care centre and the busiest and sought after department in the North of Pakistan. It has now achieved the status of a referral centre. It caters for all the major and advanced conventional surgeries and also has a full range of endoscopic surgeries (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy). Fluoroscopy of fallopian tubes and mammography are also available. Our supporting Pediatric Department is laced with hi-tech neonatal ventilators. Babies as small as 26 weeks are successfully delivered and survived. Epidural analgesia, and antenatal/intranatal fetal monitoring are available round the clock.

Our mission is to provide essential and patient centered health service at an affordable cost. We are committed to our mission by providing care to our patients in a personal way with excellence. We are aware of changing health dynamics, and strive hard to be prepared to such challenges.

Best Services We Provides

  • Expanding Satellite OPD services in Rawalpindiand Islamabad.
  • Stem Cell Therapy for various ailments incol laboration with “STEM LIFE” Malaysia. Onepat ient has already been investigated. In thiscon nection we will soon develop “Fetal CordBlood Bank”
  • Chorin Villous Sampling of fetus for variouscongenital and genetic problems

Our Panel Doctors